Secondary Music Teachers' Conference
Exploring how the revised National Plan for Music Education affects everything we do
The Secondary Music Teachers' Conference brings together teachers from Derby and Derbyshire to network, learn and share.
What will be included?
The day will include a series of workshops and sessions exploring:
- Music progression strategies
Ideas and strategies to help plan progression routes that work for your setting, including discussing routes into the music industry
- Composing at KS4
Led by a GCSE examiner sharing ideas of how to improve marks for this key musical skill
- Prepare for a deep dive in Music
Help, guidance and resources to help you be ready for a deep dive inspection into Music
- The Kodàly approach
Exploring how this approach is used in our Whole Class Instrumental Teaching at KS2 in many primary schools and how you can build on that into KS3 and beyond
- Singing workshop
Learn new repertoire to help you engage your students in one of the four key learning areas of the music curriculum
- News
Hear about our plans to appoint Lead Schools for Music – it could be yours!
Event details
- Friday 24 November, 9.15-3.15pm
County Hall, Derbyshire County Council, Smedley Street, Matlock DE4 3AG
- This event is for secondary school teachers
- Resources, refreshments and lunch is included (please note: the catering deadline is 20 November. Any bookings made after this date will have to provide their own lunch)
Booking onto this event
Follow the button link below to book onto this event. You will be given the option after submitting to complete another booking if more than one teacher want to attend.
Book your place now!